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How to: Improving transparency with your employees

2 min read

Transparency plays a major role in every organization. It creates openness and accountability between managers and employees. And it can also help boost employee engagement and performance.

According to a study, from TINYpulse, management transparency is the most significant predictor of employee happiness. A joint study from various US universities showed that leaders who are transparent are seen as more trustworthy and more effective.

Building a transparent workplace may be challenging but we have rounded up some ideas to improve transparency in your organization:
Be clear about the job description and responsibilities

Most employees waste their working time figuring out what to do and who to ask for help. Don’t keep your employees in a grey area. For instance, try to create a simple list of tasks and responsibilities. It will help each worker take ownership of a set of tasks.

Therefore, everyone else on the team will be aware of what others are working on and will have a clearer view on who they need to ask for guidance and deliverables.

Trust your employees to make decisions

Once you’ve established that information is accessible, everyone will understand the goals of the company and feel more empowered to make better decisions independently. And this will help increase initiative in the workplace.

Share data and results

Let your employees see what they have achieved and other statistics. Also, this will build a collaborative work environment that motivates your employees to share their ideas to help achieve the company goals.

Establish open communication channels

Make everyone in the company feel like their voices are being heard. Designate a person who they can voice their opinions to.  create a channel where they can freely speak about their work suggestions and struggles.

Know where to draw the line

Transparency isn’t about knowing everything that’s happening in the company. It’s about making sure that everyone has all the information they need to do their jobs effectively.

Therefore, some information needs to be discussed privately with employees, such as salaries, performance reviews and some other sensitive matters.

Finally, being transparent can create a sense of fairness in the working environment. In fact, it can also maintain an engaged and motivated workforce. If properly executed, it will lead to increased productivity and trust.

To learn about how to better engage with your employees and create a true culture of transparency, join us 8-9 October in Melbourne for the people event truly serving the retail sector. Make the most of your greatest assets and unleash the power of your people with our insights!


Interested in this event? Email marketing@akoalde.co for partnership, speaking and opportunities to attend


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